Sur le web selon wired je suis juste 63x moins connu de Barrack Obama :)

Celebrity Meter – Wired How-To Wiki <iframe width= »420″ height= »360″ frameborder= »0″ scrolling= »no » src= » »>Your browser doesn’t support HTML iframes. You will not be able to see the Wired Celebrity Meter. Please try with a different browser.</iframe> Obama : 8369Moi : 132 Donc je donnes mon soutient à Obama 🙂et votez MOI !

Template pour Picasa Whaouuuuu

Picasa Flash and HTML templates to showcase your photo 19 Free Picasa Flash and HTML templates to showcase your photos Here are some Picasa web templates to create web Flash and HTML photo galleries and slideshows using Google’s Picasa without any knowledge of Flash, HTML, CSS and Javascript. Use these free templates to showcase your…